Enlarged Heart Causes The Causes And Consequences Of Having An Enlarged Heart?

The causes and consequences of having an enlarged heart? - enlarged heart causes

And this reversal? Wait until the cardiologist to see in November, but want to learn more about this condition. Thank you!


Belliger said...


The heart has to do two types of work, and the right side of the heart is one of the tasks and the left side of the heart, the work of others.

The right heart pumps blood pressure in the lungs.

The left heart pumps blood pressure for the rest of the body. The heart generates a pressure in the artery system of pipes, is generally considered to have his "blood pressure" and each a little pressure to circulate the blood.

Obviously there is blood, ie pipes, cables between the two systems, makes the blood of the lung on the left side of the heart - the enlargement of the heart, but instead focuses on the output side, and not on the "back" side pipes tube.

Normally, the left side of the heart, part of the heart, where the expansion begins. This is also known as left ventricular hypertrophy "(pronounced: see left-Trik-a-dog 'High-Fee TROF Larr or left ventricular hypertrophy, for short). He said that fights in general, the left ventricle against an obstacle somewhere in the production of pipes or tubes. In most cases the disease as "blood" is known, which is basically an obstacle to blood flow in the drainage pipes very, very small at the ends of the arteries. This leads to high blood pressure and heart must work harder to produce the blood pressure.

Like when you go to the gym, biceps and triceps, the largest sources of additional expense, so that the heart muscle swells bigger if you put extra effort into pumping.

Sometimes the blockage is flow in the left exit of the heart as the aortic valve, (pronounced A-orr 'Tikk) and check its cardiologists around the valve for you.

If the problem has lasted a long time, sometimes the heart shows signs of "renunciation of the struggle" and begins to have grown into the muscle wall thickness swell. This is the AssocIATED support pressure in the lungs (when the left side of the heart) is filling, and you can get small amounts of water and traces in the lungs. The good news is that all this is very treatable! I mean, yes, you can reverse the rule.

Only a complete and far less frequently comes at the right side of the heart that pumps blood into the lungs, it is with an output voltage. This is due to obstruction of blood flow in the lungs and is marked hypertrophy of the right ventricle (maritime law-u-lar Trikke Perr "HVD High-tro-fee or short). Therefore, as a rule have had a bad lung disease first. The HRV is associated with a base fluid in the body and manifests itself both ankles swell. It is also treated very well.

Finally, in children and adolescents, sometimes the heart is not "to" the beginning, it expands and enlarges, rather than larger.

Having an enlarged heart is not bad in itself. In the early stages only shows his hearthas adapted well to the extra work to do by extending your muscles. The most important things are:

(1) The reason why the heart has to cope with this additional work, and if you reduce something to do do to the extra work - for example, lowering blood pressure with tablets.

(2) when the heart is through with this additional work, or is it the "errors" were started (I am afraid that this word is used by physicians, but only in the sense of "no match" - the word does not mean that no heart has stopped). If you want to ask the cardiologist then, is the technical term, "Is it signed one of the LVF or RVF? (In other words, there are signs of left or right heart failure) failure.

Hope this helps. Belliger (retired UK GP)

Dolph said...

Normally, your heart will be greater if the wall of the enlarged heart muscle and the wall is weakened. A dilated (can) enlarged heart is not as efficient as a normal heart pumping. The condition can toatlly revered but quiet a few things that the cardiologist can help you reduce the workload of the heart. Treatment depends on what oyur usually the result of profound heart expands to "." For example, beta blockers can provide to reduce the force and velocity of contraction of the heart muscle or reduce ACE inhibitors be given to achieve the volume of blood your heart, or they can replace heart valves, if that is the reason for his enlarged heart .... You can thus reduce the workload of your heart. You can also find many other options which I am sure that if you discuss your cardiologist in details for you. The worst senario is heart failure, which may, however, with the right treatment never reach this level. All the best to you!

Falco Stratata said...

These are some of the factors that can cause heart disease;

• High blood pressure (hypertension).
• High cholesterol.
• diabetes.
• Obesity and overweight.
• Smoking.
• lack of exercise.
• Gender.
• Inheritance.
• Age.

And what are some consequences that heart disease can occur:

• Angina pectoris - chest pain from insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle caused
• Heart attack - if a coronary artery is completely clogged, part of the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen and can suffer permanent damage
• Arrhythmia - disturbance of the normal heart rhythm

Lovelyse... said...

U 2, only more love

Good luck for November

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