Shock Mouse What Can I Do To Get The Mouse Out Of Shock?

What can i do to get the mouse out of shock? - shock mouse

My cat chases the mouse is very small, collected and just threw my cat before he could speak to an end
the mouse does not work properly nothing broken and no blood or injuries
That was so even after saving it, if
In a shoe box for the moment
I have in my room and made sure he was not disturbed
But do one thing I, in order to overcome the shock?


Cat said...

He could not survive because they may have internal injuries. However, to their chances with a heater to increase heat, and in a quiet and dark, disturbing, and not put too much. I would be careful with the box - mice na bite well, maybe someone knows they can rent a cage made of plastic? Have some supplies of food and water on incase he wakes up and see if you go and how well it is time to release him. Also others have said be careful - it is not a pet, and could therefore lead to diseases are to be wild and not used for the manipulation of human beings, if no agreement is needed to heavy gloves when you do not use (it reduces the risk of infection if bitten by the fear.)

Lolol said...

Your cat should do evil against you.

It is unclear whether the mouse will live, but beware of diseases to touch or get something.

And do not let them stay in a shoe box in your house, if it felt that gnawing in no time.

Exogenes... said...

Just where it is and whether it comes from. If so, the new version. Are you sure he is not dead yet?

spider pig!!!1 said...

Can I do not think there's a lot. if his injuries have to reinvest in nature. they survive or die Print

Jessie said...

You can put a hot water bottle to keep warm. Or maybe a heating pad on low. Do not be shocked if he is not good. It had internal injuries. Good luck!

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